Monthly Traffic
What exactly is "Monthly Traffic"? How much monthly traffic will you need for your web sites and apps?
The monthly traffic feature, which is at times also identified as bandwidth or information transfer, refers to the full amount of information that can be uploaded to your shared hosting account and downloaded from it monthly. Your website traffic is generated predominantly by site visits - each time someone visits your site, the pages they see are downloaded from the web hosting server to his or her computer or mobile device and they are displayed by the browser. What counts for the web site traffic generated is the size of these webpages, therefore the more visitors you get for some period of time, the more traffic will be generated. In addition to the website visits, file uploads are also counted towards the total monthly transfer which means that if you upload website content or some other files through a file manager or an FTP application, they'll also generate some traffic. The counter resets on the first day of each month and it is not related to the date you've signed up as well as the date you've renewed the web hosting package.
Monthly Traffic in Shared Hosting
We have selected the characteristics of our shared hosting packagesin a way, so as to facilitate the development of any kind of website hosted on our innovative cloud system. The traffic that your account can generate is not an exception, which means that with a website hosting package from us, you won't need to worry about the amount of content being transferred to and from your account at any time. You will be able to host a couple of small and medium-sized websites and make sure that the monthly traffic quota won't be a problem for their development. We also provide detailed monthly, daily and hourly statistics that will give you extra details for the website traffic that a given site generates or what type of page/file is being downloaded the most and generates the most traffic. This information can help you arrange the administration of your web sites as well as your marketing strategies more effectively.