Being able to effortlessly manage your domain names is rather important and can enhance your user experience as a hosting customer. The solutions that many companies use are not that user-friendly, so you can frequently find yourself in a scenario where you need to switch between different admin interfaces to complete a particular task, even if you’ve got a single domain. Not only is this inconvenient, but it also takes much more time and effort in comparison to having one unified system where you can access everything you need without logging in and out all the time. For example, registering a brand-new domain name, hosting it and uploading the web files pertaining to it involves the use of no less than 2 different systems, all the more so if you’re using the most famous web hosting solutions out there.

Feature-rich Domain Manager in Shared Hosting

The Domain Manager tool, which is built into our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel and which is included with each and every shared hosting package, will grant you complete control over your domains. Not only can you perform regular tasks such as registering or renewing a domain name, editing the WHOIS details or activating Whois Privacy Protection, but you can also access more advanced options such as setting up an email address, an FTP account or a database, examining visitor and web traffic statistics or changing the DNS records for any domain name registered under your web hosting account. Aside from the convenience of having everything in one location, another tremendous strength of our tool is that all the features are very easy to access and to use, so you can benefit from it even if you have never had a web hosting package before.