E-mail Forwarding in Shared Hosting
In case you have a shared hosting plan with us and you create e-mail addresses inside your account, you are able to forward it with just a couple of mouse clicks to another e-mail address of your preference. The option can be enabled when you create a new email address or whenever you want afterwards and disabled just as quickly if you change your mind. This can be done through the Hepsia Hosting Control Panel where you can manage your account. You will also have the option to choose whether a backup of the inbound e-mails will stay on our servers or not. The main benefit of this option is that you will always have a copy on your end if something occurs with the other email address or maybe if it isn't active for whatever reason during the time a message is forwarded. When the option is not active, an e-mail will be received, forwarded and removed from our system even if the remote e-mail is working or not, so it can be quite a wise decision for it to be active just to be prepared.